Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Professional Values and Awareness Essay Example for Free

Professional Values and Awareness Essay In this assignment I will identify issues that affect the care provided in a home for adults with learning disabilities. Using the case study format I will focus on the interpersonal relationships and identify the underlying factors that influence them, then provide explanations for these by applying established theories. Churton (2000:214) describes a case study as a detailed investigation of a single research area. The case study will form a unique representation of the individuals involved at the time they were observed. As a single study the outcomes may not be representative of all care homes, but it is reasonable to assume many issues may be similar. As a student I was able to observe both staff and clients in their normal routines. I was accepted as a member of the care team and took part in daily activities. This form of research is described in Giddens (1997:542) as Participant observation. Becker describe the role of the researcher as someone who watches the people he is studying to see what situations they ordinarily meet and how they behave in them (cited in Marsh I. 1996:124), however the by taking on a role within the group that justifies their presence the researcher acts as more than a passive observer and becomes a participant. As a stranger to the group my presence will have affected the behaviour of the clients and studies have shown that the presence of students affects the way that qualified staff work (Reed J Procter S. 1993:31). My own preconceived ideas of Learning disabilities and the staff and clients previous experience of students will all have contributed to the behaviour I witnessed. On my first day at the placement I was introduced to my mentor (the deputy manager). We discussed the homes basic philosophy and the clients disabilities. I was introduced to the nine clients, and the staff approximately 15. During this first meeting my mentor made me feel welcome and allayed some of my fears about the placement. Unfortunately other than two brief conversations this was the only time I worked with her over the six-week placement. The staff are mostly female with only four male staff. They were of all ages and came from a mix of races and religions, some single and others married with children. All of the staff are support workers and most have NVQ level 3 or are currently studying towards it. I found all the staff very friendly and felt welcome, but I also felt a like a spare part, as the clients were encouraged to do things for themselves, very little intervention was necessary. Record keeping, giving medication and supervising the clients at the many activities they attended were the main tasks. The days soon became very predictable with set activities and opportunities to be achieved. The slowness of the day meant that staff talked a lot, discussing personal matters as well as how they felt about the clients and their jobs. Conversation included issues around the low regard support workers had from the general public and other health care professionals, the quantity of paper work to be completed daily and the emphasis placed on it, little support and understanding from the management, and having to attend college in there own time. My personal performance was influenced most by the lack of a mentor. Without a mentor to shadow I would try to latch onto a member of staff only to find that we were on different activities or were at the end of their shift. My shifts and my mentors were not together, when I asked the manager if I could swap my weekend to the same as my mentors, she told me that there was no need for me to work with my mentor at all. I was left feeling very isolated. The need for student and mentor to work together as much as possible to build successful relationship is highlighted in Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res Study Skills for Nurses (Maslin-Prothero1997:32). Good mentoring is a two-way process requiring willingness from both mentor and mentee to build a collaborative relationship (Ellis et al 1995:121, Ajiboye P. 2000:11). Formal mentoring is relatively new to nursing (Maslin-Prothero 1997:51), and is closely related to Project 2000 (Salvage J.1999:14). The ENB define mentors as an appropriately qualified and experienced first-level nurse/midwife/health visitor who by example guides assists and supports the student in learning new skills, adopting new behaviour and acquiring new attitudes (as cited in Quinn F. 1995:188). Mentorship has existed for centuries with references dating back to Greek mythology (Ellis R. et al 1995:109), and it is widely used for career development in business, where mentors are role models, talent developers and door openers(Tyson S. Jackson T. 1992:121). There are several theories on how mentoring works, most emphasise the mentor as a facilitator allowing the student to experiment while ensuring the safety of the patient/clients, and providing a developmental bridge between theory and practice (Ellis R. et al 1995:109). Communication and interpersonal skills are the foundations on which a successful relationship is built and are therefore essential skills in a mentor (Ellis R. et al 1995:121). However the mentor themselves may be the most important factor. A mentor is a role model good or bad. Hopefully the student will witness a high standard of practice and set their own standards similarly. But when the standard is low it depends on the students knowledge of the theory as to whether they choose to imitate the mentor or apply their own higher standard. Bandura (cited in Ellis R. et al 1995:116) describes this process as Social Learning Theory, a three-stage process. Stage 1 Observational Learning: Imitating a good role model Stage 2 Inhibitory/Disinhibitory Effects: bad practice rejected or imitated Stage 3 Eliciting Effect: good practices learned and core knowledge improved. The break down of the mentor mentee relationship on my placement may have been for variety of reasons, poor communication, unrealistic expectations or time constraints. Supernumerary students have time to observe and reflect, but mentors may have an already busy schedule and supervising students can become just another pressure (Reed J. Procter S. 1993:36). Students in this environment may find themselves being used as another pair of hands (Ajiboye P. 2000:11). Many texts cite good leadership of the manager as vital to forming an atmosphere conducive to learning (Quinn F. 1995:182). A good manager will find time to inspire staff to enthusiastically provide high quality care (Grohar-Murray 1997:125). In the philosophy of care/service values of the placement it states that we have a well trained staff who have achieved a NVQ in care or are working towards it (not referenced to protect confidentiality). However the staff studying the NVQ had to attend college in there own time. This caused resentment towards the management as the staff felt that the qualification was for the companys benefit, but at their expense. Tappen (1995:69) recognises that by allocating staff time to attend lectures or college days without them incurring financial penalties the outlook is changed from just gaining a paper qualification to an opportunity to develop skills and increase personal knowledge. Encouraging staff to develop new skills is a great motivator. Motivation has been described as the oil that keeps the machinery turning (Dell T. 1988:59) and is a key element in many leader/management theories. Many motivation theories are based around the concept of fulfilling needs. Maslow (1968 cited in Hogston R. Simpson P. 1999:295/303) devised a hierarchy with seven levels, the first level are basic physical needs such as food and water progressing up to more psychological needs of self fulfilment. Individuals climb the pyramid a step at a time motivated by fulfilment at the previous level (see appendix 1). Kafka (1986 cited in Tappen 1995:304) offers five basic factors for motivation, Economic security, Control, Recognition, Personal self-worth and Belonging. But unlike Maslow the five may be placed in any order, as one person may be motivated more by the need to belong than the need for money (see appendix 2). Self-esteem/worth and belonging are needs common to both Maslow and Kafka. If managers boost self-esteem by acknowledging good practice and recognising achievements they enhance the feeling of belonging. Without feedback staff often feel overlooked and isolated. To be constructive feedback should contain both positive and negative elements and be based on observed behaviour, given objectively it can highlight areas that need strengthening and increase motivation. Kron (1981 cited in Tappen R. 1995:420) described this positive feed back as a psychological paycheque. The need to belong affects students, when they are included in procedures, and given opportunities to express opinions and dont feel in the way they become part of the team. Being accepted boosts self-esteem and motivates learning (Oliver R Endersby C. 1994:94) Dell statement that people work harder for recognition than for money(Dell T. 1988:59) is supported by a study of the affect of incentives such as pay increases and shorter hours. When each incentive was implemented productivity was found to increase. When the incentives were removed and working conditions returned to normal it was expected that the productivity would fall. In fact productivity rose to the highest levels ever. Mayos conclusion was that being in the study had caused the group to bond (belong) and that the interest (recognition) showed by researchers had encouraged the workers to achieve the level they believed the researchers expected of them (Mayo E. 1933 cited in Barratt M. Mottershead A. 1999:74). If the security of belonging is absent self-esteem deteriorates which can lead to an increase in complaints and fatigueand absenteeism is likely to rise(Barratt M. Mottershead A. 1999:73). Lack of appreciation and support are two of the ten factors cited by Tappen (1995:455) that contribute to burnout. As the most caring and most highly committed are often the ones most prone to burnout (Eisenstat Felner cited in Crawford J. 1990:48) its frequently linked to health care. Burnout is defined as, (Kozier B et al 2000:1387). an overwhelming feeling that can lead to physical and emotional depletion, a negative attitude and self concept, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness There are many methods to prevent burnout. One of these I observed, and have been guilty of my self, is the ability to suddenly become deaf. For example one client would continually ask for a cup of tea, to which staff would respond youve just had one and the client would reply Ive just had one and walk away. But if the frequency of requests increased or they interrupted another activity staff would often pretend not to hear, they would ovoid eye contact and turn away. By ignoring the client it extended the periods between acknowledged requests. For the same reason this client was always last to receive his cup of tea when it was being made for the group. This coping mechanism denial is one of many established ways to deal with stress (Kenworthy N. 1996:91). In denial you reject the thing that is unacceptable choosing to believe it isnt there. Denial is very similar to repression where although aware of the feelings you block them out, Tappen suggest that this can leave the caregiver with a vague sense of unease towards the client. Having denied hearing the request staff would then repress their guilt, leaving them with an uneasy feeling towards the client. This practice while not acceptable, had no long-term affects on the client as he would simply ask again a few minutes later, however if all requests where dealt with in the same way it could become harmful to the client (Tappen R. 1995:11). Another behaviour I witnessed was the reliance on PRN medication; a different client was very vocal following staff around the home asking questions about her forthcoming blood test. After a couple of failed attempts to reassure her it was decided she needed PRN to clam her down. The staff had coped by rationalising the situation. Rationalisation uses one explanation to cover up a less acceptable one i.e. their reason for giving the medication was to calm the client down. But the real reason was it would stop her bothering them with questions. (Tappen R.1995:11). Often in learning disabilities carers see a clients failure to behave in an acceptable way or achieve targets as a personal failure (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:95). These failures or client losses are another factor that contributes to burnout (Tappen R.1995:455). Other factors often experience by learning disabilities cares also contribute to burnout such as low pay, discrimination and inadequate advancement opportunities. Learning disabilities are often referred to as the Cinderella of the Cinderella services(Parish C. 2001:13), and as such tend to attract the least skilled workers, who are given a low status even in relationship to carers in other fields (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:93). Care is traditionally seen as womens work and therefore unskilled and unworthy (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:162/166). This is reflected in the fact that care staff are predominately women working part time, earning low levels of pay and having few opportunities to advance their careers (Hudson B. 2000: 88). Care work is rarely undertaken solely for financial gain; often the motives are more altruistic (Dagnan D. 1994:127). A study into staff satisfaction found that in spite of low pay care staff found rewards in the close nature of the caring relationship (Hudson B . 2000:89). Recent government white papers NHS and Community Care Act and Valuing People aim to enhance the status of learning disabilities by reorganising the way that the service is provided (Beacock C. 2001:23), and give those working in social care a new status which fits the work they do (Hudson B. 2000:99). These proposals may ultimately improve the status of the service, but in the short term the changes are creating more paperwork, require new skills, and are leading to greater job insecurity. These factors are adding to an already stressful job (Hudson B. 2000:96). Studies found that the main causes of stress for care workers were the inability to provide service users with what they needed, accountability or responsibility without power, frustration at office politics and uncertainty about the future (Hudson B. 2000:90). Powerlessness and unresponsiveness to client needs added to too much paper work are more factors that can contribute to burnout (Tappen R. 1995:456). Care staff are under a great deal of pressure, in their daily work they face all of the ten factors that contribute to burnout. This must ultimately have an affect on the way care is provided. I have no doubt that the staff at my placement are genuinely caring people who do their best to provide a high standard of care for their clients. However sometimes the quality of care I witnessed reflected the pressures they were facing. Only when the attitudes towards care work improve will its status be increased. This would in turn see a rise in pay and a decrease in the stress felt by carers, which would have the end result of improving the care received by clients. References Ajiboye P. (2000) Learning partners. No Limits. Autumn 2000 pp.11 Barratt M. Mottershead A. (1999) Understanding Industry. 5th Edition. London, Hodder Stoughton. Beacock C. (2001) Come in from the cold. Nursing Standard. Vol.15 no.28 pp.23 Brown H. Smith H. {Editors} (1992) Normalisation: a reader for the nineties. London, Routledge. Churton M. (2000) Theory and Method. London, Macmillan Press Ltd Crawford J. (1990) Maintaining Staff Morale: the value of a staff training and support network. Mental Handicap. Vol. 18 June pp.48-52 Dagnan D. (1994) The Stresses and Rewards of Being a Carer in a Family Placement Scheme for People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Vol.22 1994 pp.127-129 Dell T. (1998) How to Motivate People: a guide for managers. California, Crisp Publications Inc. Ellis R. Gates R. {Editors} (1995) Interpersonal Communication in Nursing: Theory and Practice. Kenworthy N. London, Churchill Livingstone. Grohar-Murray M, DiCroce H. (1997) Leadership and Management in Nursing. 2nd Edition. Connecticut, Appelton and Lange. Giddens A. (1997) Sociology. 3rd edition. Cambridge, Polity Press. Hudson B. Editor (2000) The Changing Role of Social Care. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd. Hogston R, Simpson P. {Editors} (1999) Foundations of Nursing Practice. London, Macmillan Press Ltd. Kenworthy N, Snowley G. (1996) Common Foundation Studies in Nursing. 2nd Edition. Gilling C. Singapore, Churchill Livingstone. Kozier B. Erb G. Berman A. (2000) Fundamentals of Nursing: concepts, process, and practice. Burke K. 6th Edition. New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc. Marsh I. (1996) Making sense of society: an introduction to sociology. London, Longman. Masllin-Prothero S. (1997) Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res Study Skills for Nurses. London, Hardcourt Brace and Company Ltd. Oliver R. Endersby C. (1994) Teaching and Assessing Nurses: a handbook for preceptors. London, Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½re and Tindall. Parish C. (2001) Take the reins. Nursing Standard.Vol.15 no.29 pp.12-13 Quinn F. (1995) The Principles and Practice of Nurse Education.3rd Edition. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes (Pulishers) Ltd. Reed J. Procter S. (1993) Nurse Education A reflective approach. London, Edward Arnold. Salvage J. {Editor} (1999) Nursing Times Student Pack. London, Nursing Times. Tappen R. (1995) Nursing Leadership and Management: concepts and practice. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Company. Tyson S. Jackson T. (1992) The Essence of Organizational Behaviour. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. Bibliography Bartlett C. Bunning K. (1997) The Importance of Communication Partnerships: A study to investigate the communicative exchanges between staff and adults with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Vol.25 (1997) pp.148-154 Brigham L. Atkinson D, (2000) Crossing Boundaries, Change and Continuity in the History of Jackson M, Rolph S, Walmsley J. Learning Disability. Plymouth, BILD Publications. Booth T. Simons K. (1990) Outward bound: Relocation and community care for people with Booth W. learning difficulties. Buckingham, Open University Press. Clegg A. (2000) Leadership: improving the quality of patient care. Nursing Standard.Vol.14 no.30 pp.43-45 Clissett P. (2001) The Effectiveness of NVQ Training. Nursing Management. Vol. 8 no. 1 pp.11-13. Clutterbuck D. (1991) Everyone needs a Mentor: fostering talent at work. 2nd Edition. London, Institute of Personnel Management. Dinsdale P. (2001) Community spirit. Nursing Standard. Vol.15 no.39 pp.14 Gray J. (2001) Inside out: Analysis of the difficulties surrounding participant observation. Nursing Standard.Vol.15 no.31 pp.51 Hattersley J, Hosking G, (1987) People with Mental Handicap: Perspectives on intellectual Morrow D, Myers M. disability. London, Faber and Faber Ltd. Hill M. {Editor} (2000) Local Authority Social Services: an introduction. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Kroese S. Fleming I. (1992) Staffs Attitudes and Working Conditions in Community-Based Group Homes of People with Mental Handicaps. Mental Handicap Research. Vol. 5, no.1 pp 82-91. Moore S. (1987) Sociology Alive Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. Oliver M. Barnes C. (1998) Disabled People and Social Policy: from Exclusion to Inclusion. London, Longman. Quinn E. (2001) Stressed out? RCN Magazine. Spring 2001 pp.14-15 Sarantakos S. (1998) Social Research. 2nd Edition. London, MacMillan. Wilson J. (1994) The Care Trade: a picture of health. Lancaster, Quay Pulishing Ltd.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Effects of Divorce on Children Essay -- Impact of Divorce on Child

Divorce is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, significantly affecting children’s well-being. It radically changes their future causing detrimental effects. According to (Julio CÃ ¡ceres-Delpiano and Eugenio Giolito, 2008) nearly 50% of marriages end with divorce. 90% of children who lived in the USA in the 1960s stayed with their own biological parents, whereas today it makes up only 40% (Hetherington, E. Mavis, and Margaret Stanley-Hagan, 1999). Such an unfavorable problem has been increasing, because in 1969, the legislation of California State changed the divorce laws, where spouses could leave without providing causes (Child Study Center, 2001). This resolution was accepted by the other states and later, the number of divorced people has been steadily growing. Such a typical situation is common for most countries in the world, which negatively affects children’s individuality. However, remarkably little amount of people can conceive the impact of marital separation c aused to offspring. (? passive) Many children after separation of parents are exposed to a number of changes in the future. They have to be getting used to a further living area, feelings and circumstances. Their response to divorce can vary and depends on age, gender and personal characteristics. This essay will show the effects of divorce on children under various aspects such as educational, psychological and social impact. In addition, it will contain data about the divorce rate in the US and present disparate reactions of children. It will also include adequate recommendations for parents as to how act to children after divorce, in order to minimize the adverse effect on children. Increasing divorce rate: During the 1960s and 1980s in the USA, there were signi... ...d become more successful. Works Cited Hetherington, E. Mavis, and Margaret Stanley-Hagan. "The Adjustment of Children with Divorced Parents: A Risk and Resiliency Perspective." Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines 40, no. 1 (January 1999): 129. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed March 8, 2011). Sobolewski, Juliana M., and Paul R. Amato. 2007. "Parents' Discord and Divorce, Parent-Child Relationships and Subjective Well-Being in Early Adulthood: Is Feeling Close to Two Parents Always Better than Feeling Close to One?." Social Forces 85, no. 3: 1105-1124. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed March 8, 2011). Shansky, Janet. 2002. "NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF DIVORCE ON CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOSOCIAL ADJUSTMENT." Journal of Pastoral Counseling 37, 73. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed March 8, 2011).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Gulliver in Brobdingnag Essay

The setting of the passage to be analyzed here is that of Gulliver’s voyage to a land of giants. The speaker’s context here is the basic comic devices of reversal and exaggeration. When the dimensions of things are reversed there is a comic effect. When clowns at the circus ride around in a tiny car the effect is hilarious. In a famous Gary Larsen cartoon a gigantic monster is seen peering into a man’s car through the wing mirror which reads: â€Å"Things reflected in this mirror may appear to be larger than they are. † The comic context employed by the speaker in the following passage, then, is that of a man suddenly turned tiny by circumstances beyond his control. There are, of course, classical antecedents for this type of size reversal. Odysseus in the cave of Cyclops would provide the best example. There are, no doubt, many who would argue that this incident in the Odyssey is not meant as humor. May we not at least wonder, however, if some of Homer’s audiences didn’t chuckle when they heard about how the â€Å"subtle† Odysseus outwitted the giant? It will be argued in the following that Swift’s intention throughout Part II as a whole is comic irony, and that the passage to be analyzed typifies the situation in which Gulliver finds himself when surrounded by giants. Starting off, a simple exaggeration introduces the passage: â€Å"The King’s palace is†¦ about seven miles round†¦ † suggesting the colossal size of the castle, the rooms within are â€Å"two hundred and forty Foot high. † Gulliver who is, as we have learned earlier, a proud and dignified man is reduced by his comparatively tiny dimensions to the role of a doll. All of his proud bearing and gentlemanly dignity disappears in a puff of smoke when his Mistress Glumdalclitch holds Gulliver up in her hand to give him a better view of the surroundings. Swift’s choice of words at the beginning of this passage also provides an ironic effect. Gulliver who is, in fact, a freak in this society reports that when Glumdalclitch is taken out to see the town, â€Å"†¦ I was always of the party, carried in my Box†¦ † To be â€Å"of the party† suggests social (and physical) equality, but when Swift follows this dignified phrase with the description â€Å"†¦ in my box† the effect is humorous, since Gulliver is revealed as the curiosity and freak that he is by the fact that he travels in a â€Å"box† like a doll. Swift’s imagery in this passage allowed allows the reader to see other human-like creature from the perspective of a very tiny person. It also demonstrates to the reader once again that Swift loves to engage in the humor of the disgusting and the impolite. When a group of Brobdingnagian beggars presses up against the carriage to view the strange little creature that is our speaker, Gulliver is able to observes the cancer on the breast of a beggar woman â€Å"†¦ full of holes, in two or three of which I could have easily crept†¦ † and body lice â€Å"†¦ and their snouts with which they rooted like Swine. † There is a misogynist quality to this joke. The breast of a woman is presented as disgusting rather than as an inspiration to art and poetry. The idea of crawling into a cancerous lesion on a woman’s breast is an ugly parody of what men usually think about when they see the naked female breast which is to adore, kiss, or suck it. This type of humor is based on a simple reversal of the usual emotions inspired by an image. The equivalent would be, for example, to provide an image of the Queen of England sitting on a chamber pot rather than her throne. The imagery in the rest of this passage is also unforgettable, especially the wooden legs of a beggar which were â€Å"†¦ each about twenty Foot high. † Immediately following these alarming and disgusting images is another liar’s trick based on the category of emphasis. This is offered in Gulliver’s careful description of his â€Å"Box. † Before analyzing this part of the passage in detail a general comment on Swift’s project in Gulliver’s Travels is required. The speaker mentions many times throughout the tale the phenomenon of â€Å"travelers tails† or â€Å"books of voyages. † These were supposedly factual accounts of what travelers from Europe had seen on the other side of the world. They were, of course, full of lies and Swift’s project throughout much of the book is to satirize the lying authors of these books. One well known liar’s trick is to emphasize the details of some fictional object. This is what Gulliver does with the description of his â€Å"Box. † Its’ origin is carefully described: â€Å"†¦ the Queen ordered a smaller one to be made for me†¦ † Its design and dimensions are carefully recorded: â€Å"†¦ This traveling Closet was an exact Square with a Window in the Middle of three of the Squares†¦ â€Å", etc. The important detail of the box’s construction which will eventually allow for Gulliver’s salvation by sailors is also carefully noted: â€Å"†¦ On the fourth side, which had no windows, two strong staples were fixed†¦ â€Å", and so on. There is a dual purpose to what we might call the â€Å"liar’s emphasis† lavished on this passage. The first is to satirize the books of travelers tales so popular in Swift’s days in which exact descriptions of fantastic creatures were given to fool the credulous. The second is to prepare the reader for Gulliver’s eventual escape. This happens in his traveling box which is then conveniently destroyed by the sailors who rescue him so that no substantial evidence of his adventure remains, and the gullible can easily believe the whole story of Gulliver among the Brobdingnags. The comic irony is an effective device in satirizing human folly. The absurdity in the relationship between these two elements is essentially targeted at England (Gulliver), the Wigs, specifically, whereby Swift is attacking his opposition. In the spirit of Swift’s famous word play about â€Å"†¦ his good Master Bates†, we can rename his fable â€Å"Gullible’s Travels. â€Å"

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Story of an Hour Questions for Study

The Story of an Hour is one of the greatest works by Kate Chopin. Summary Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition, which means that if shes startled she could die. So, when news comes that her husbands been killed in an accident, the people who tell her have to cushion the blow.  Mrs. Mallards sister Josephine sits down with her and dances around the truth until Mrs. Mallard finally understands what happened. The deceased Mr. Mallards friend, Richards, hangs out with them for moral support. Richards originally found out because he had been in the newspaper headquarters when a report of the accident that killed Mr. Mallard, which happened on a train, came through. Richards waited for proof from a second source before going to the Mallards to share the news. When Mrs. Mallard finds out what happened she acts differently from most women in the same position, who might disbelieve it. She cries passionately before deciding to go to her room to be by herself. In her room, Mrs. Mallard sits down on a comfy chair and feels completely depleted. She looks out the window and looks out at a world that seems alive and fresh. She can see the sky coming between the rain clouds. Mrs. Mallard sits still, occasionally crying briefly like a kid might. The narrator describes her as youthful and pretty, but because of this news she looks preoccupied and absent.  She seems to be holding out for some kind of unknown news or knowledge, which she can tell is approaching.  Mrs. Mallard breathes heavily and tries to resist before succumbing to this unknown thing, which is a feeling of freedom. Acknowledging freedom makes her revive, and she doesnt consider whether she should feel bad about it. Mrs. Mallard thinks to herself about how shell cry when she sees her husbands dead body and how much he loved her. Even so, shes kind of excited about the chance to make her own decisions and not feel accountable to anyone. Mrs. Mallard feels even more swept up by the idea of freedom than the fact that she had felt love for her husband. She focuses on how liberated she feels. Outside the locked door to the room, her sister Josephine is pleading to her to open up and let her in.  Mrs. Mallard tells her to go away and fantasizes about the exciting life ahead.  Finally, she goes to her sister and they go downstairs. Suddenly, the door opens and Mr. Mallard comes in. Hes not dead and doesnt even know anyone thought he was. Even though Richards and Josephine try to protect Mrs. Mallard from the sight, they cant. She receives the shock they tried to prevent at the beginning of the story. Later, the medical people who examine her say that she was full of so much happiness that it murdered her. Study Guide Questions   What is important about the title?What are the conflicts in The Story of an Hour? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story?How does Kate Chopin reveal character in The Story of an Hour?What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?What are some symbols in The Story of an Hour? How do they relate to the plot and characters?Is Mrs. Millard consistent in her actions? Is she a fully developed character? How? Why?Do you find the characters likable? Would you want to meet the characters?Does the story end the way you expected? How? Why?What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?Why is the story usually considered a work of feminist literature?How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?What is the role of women in the text? What about single/independent women?Would you recommend this story to a friend?